Traits that Make Introverts Natural Leaders

Traits that Make Introverts Natural Leaders

From a young age, we have been conditioned to believe that only those who are the loudest are the most successful. Raising your hand in class and being part of a large group of friends seemed to be the path to future success. Yet, it is the quietest people who tend to...
The Biggest Barrier to Inclusive Hiring:  Bias

The Biggest Barrier to Inclusive Hiring: Bias

Hiring bias can occur at any time. When interviewing and hiring someone who may have different abilities or a background that is very different from your own, personal bias can be more challenging to overcome. Creating a truly diverse and inclusive workplace may test...
Is your Organization Inclusive?

Is your Organization Inclusive?

Equal Employment Opportunity has been in effect since July 2, 1965, which is nothing new to leaders. While this law protects against discrimination based upon age, gender, race, etc., it does not provide provisions for inclusivity. Keep reading to learn the critical...


Building a consistent talent pipeline depends upon many things, but one of the most important is your branding. Whether you are Ed-Exec, Inc. or Apple branding is key.  This article will help you take a good, hard look at your brand and messaging and how it is...